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Talented and Gifted (TAG)

General Overview

Differentiated services beyond the regular curriculum will be provided for children in grades K-12 whose accomplishments and/or demonstrated abilities indicate the need for such services.

"Gifted students" means those students in public elementary and secondary schools, beginning with kindergarten through graduation, whose abilities and potential for accomplishment are so outstanding that they require special programs to meet their educational needs.

Grades K-3: General Intellectual Aptitude (GIA)

General Intellectual Aptitude services are enriched and integrated classroom activities designed to enhance creativity and problem solving without being specifically tied to one subject area.

Grades 3*-5: Specific Academic Aptitude (SAA)  

*For current 3rd graders, a referral is required to be screened for 4th Grade SAA services which begin in the 2024-25 school year.

  • Math and Language Arts: Direct instruction from a teacher specializing in teaching talented and gifted children with an enriched or accelerated curriculum and significantly above grade-level expectations.
  • Science and Social Studies: Differentiated Educational Plans (DEPs) outline individual enrichment and extension activities to be completed in the general education classroom.
Grades 6-12: Specific Academic Aptitude (SAA)

Students in middle school and high school have access to online courses, Honors and Advanced Placement (AP) classes, independent study, Dual-Enrollment in college courses, or access to summer residential Governor's School.


Overview of TAG Program Screening Process

Referral and Overview Information

Information for screening for the 2023–24 school year will be released in August 2023.

Who can be eligible for the TAG Program?

A student who shows evidence of superior performance and exceptional academic potential. This includes:

  • All ACPS students, K-12
  • All genders, cultures & backgrounds
  • All English Language Learners
  • Students receiving specialized services

When does the TAG Program support students?

Kindergarten through 3rd grade: those who exhibit superior General Intellectual Aptitude (GIA)

4th through 12th grade: those who show superior achievement in Specific Academic Aptitude (SAA) (in language arts, math, science or social studies)

ACPS TAG Program services include:

Grades K-3: General Intellectual Aptitude (GIA)

Enriched & integrated classroom activities designed to enhance creativity and problem-solving without being specifically tied to any one subject area.

Grades 4-5: Specific Academic Aptitude (SAA)

Math and Language Arts
Direct instruction from a teacher who specializes in teaching talented and gifted children with a curriculum that is accelerated and significantly above grade-level expectations.

Science and Social Studies
Differentiated Educational Plans (DEPs) outline individual enrichment & extension activities to be completed in the general education classroom.

Grades 6-12: Specific Academic Aptitude (SAA)

Students in middle and high school have access to online courses. Honors and Advanced Placement (AP) classes, independent study, Dual-Enrollment in college courses or access to summer residential Governor's School.

  • Online Courses
  • Honors and Advanced Placement (AP) Classes
  • Independent Study
  • Dual-Enrollment in college courses
  • Access to Summer Residential Governors School

Young Scholars (K–8)

The Young Scholars Model is designed to help identify students from historically underrepresented populations for gifted services. The model provides additional opportunity to nurture talent and build confidence so that students can meet their potential. The goal is to prepare Young Scholars for challenging courses and success in the future. The Young Scholars model supports the notion of providing equity of opportunity to students so that any child who has an exceptional ability to think, reason, and problem-solve will be able to participate in advanced academic classes.

There are no referrals needed for Young Scholars. Schools take the lead on identifying students.

ACPS believes that students among all ethnic, racial and socioeconomic groups should be provided with an education that enables them to achieve excellence, developing their abilities to the fullest.

Contact Information

Megan Tempel-Milner, Ph.D., Director of Advanced Academic Programs (K-12)

Alexandria City Public Schools
1340 Braddock Place
Alexandria, VA 22314

Contact Information

Mashari Whitfield
Instructional Specialist for Advanced Academic Services
(703) 619-8193