School Nurse and Health Services
Meet your school nurse!
Alexandria City Public Schools (ACPS) is fortunate to have a registered nurse in every school. These experienced health care professionals are available during the entire school day to respond to the health care needs of students. In addition to the traditional school nurse activities, our school health program has several special projects which are positively impacting the health of our school community.
Ms. Lisa Pastore
Ms. Lisa Pastore, the school nurse, is beginning her 3rd year at Jefferson-Houston and her 8th year with ACPS. Before coming to ACPS she was a pediatric nurse practitioner with Georgetown University's mobile health clinic in Washington, DC and a public health nurse in Charlottesville, VA. Her focus this school year will be promoting health and fitness. She believes happy, healthy kids are better students.
Phone: 703-706-4400
Visit the ACPS website to learn more about ACPS School Health Services and policies, including medication administration in school, illness guidelines, screenings and immunizations.